Now in this entry I think the only person who can relate let alone understand any of this will be Aaron but I had to say something.
Here’s a few things that have been annoying the piss out of me in the piracy scene in both torrents and HTTP. A few here are more of a personal nature but whatever.
1: Little fucks who think they can rip a DVD with one little piece of software so they only have to make one click. Then we end up with rips that are all off in size and look like shit. 659MB for a movie is not a DVD rip. Its you not knowing what the fuck your doing. All you need to do is rip the VOB file and encode with Auto Gordian Knot and tell it the size you want the final product to be. And if the movie is 2 hours long or more don’t fucking compress it to 700MB or smaller. 700MB may be the standard movie size but longer movies will look like shit when compressed too much. That’s why we do CD1 and CD2 you fucking kids!
2: Stop ripping games. Make a fucking ISO BIN/CUE or whatever other image you want but stop ripping the fucking videos and music from the games. Just because assholes complain about download times because they are on slow speeds doesn’t mean you should make the game smaller. But you know what? Fine, do it, whatever but fucking post that’s it’s a rip and what you took out. Don’t say it’s the full game when its not! But you don’t know what was taken out. Your just posting links but don’t know shit about it? Thanks for nothing!
3: Don’t download a music album that’s 128kbps and then code it for 320kbps. I have good speakers and I can hear past the bullshit! Taking a small kbps value and increasing it does not make the sound quality better. It needs to be coded from the original source.
4: VNV NATION IS NOT FUCKING INDUSTRIAL MUSIC SO STOP FUCKING THANKING ME FOR AN “INDUSTRIAL” ALBUM. It’s called futurepop but I will also accept synthpop. Hell ill accept simply pop as I try not to be overly into the “this is that style” nit picking bullshit but I will not accept anyone calling it industrial. And stop calling KMFDM industrial too!
5: Stop asking what do you do with an ISO, RAR or most any other types of files you are unfamiliar with. I’m sick of being asked about these all the damn time. Use fucking Google!
6: The PS2 emulator isn’t working on your machine? Your running on an HP with 2 gigs of RAM? OF COURSE ITS NOT RUNNING ON YOUR MACHINE!! DON’T YOU KNOW HOW MUCH FUCKINF POWER IT TAKES TO RUN ON A PC?!?! Read the damn site but those specs they posted, yeah are fucking off. And even if you had the Ram and CPU power doesn’t mean it will run. That built in graphics card on your motherboard wasn’t ment for real 3D rendering. And no, you cannot come to my house and play on my machines. They are for serious work. As Dib once said on Invader Zim “This is no game. This is my life!”
7: Links die. Torrents die. In this world it’s a “get it while you can” way of life. Get the fuck over it!
8: No I will not upload all of my collected emulation packs. Do you realize that a collection of mine with nearly every console, games and arcade machines emulated is nearly a terabyte in size and growing?! No way in hell am I uploading that much shit.
I gots more but fuck it, Im feeling better now after typing this shit.
And now for something completely different:
My latest gripe is about the rejects that think YouTube is for uploading episodes of anime. Are they fucking stupid? About the best they're going to get is a good week or two in before they're banned. What a fucking waste of time.
We should cornhole every last one of them.
I agree with that one. You might hate me as it seems no one else likes me for this but when I was first looking for Shin Chan everyone was pointing to YouTube. Then tried to get me to download their upload of software to rip YouTube videos. First of all, I don’t need their shitty software. I have
Second of all why would I want to do that? Sure I’ve ripped a few things but that’s because I know I wont find its elsewhere like a rare music video but in the end I don’t want to download a video that’s in shitty quality.
You can hate me for the Shin Chan though. I understand, especially since I like the FUNimation stuff that I know is way off. I just find the new dialog funny.
“Action Bastard I need you. Action Bastard I need you.”
“To be a man you must honor, honor and a penis.”
Personally, I don't give a fuck if you prefer dubs. I do give a fuck if you're too lazy to read subtitles or have some similar stupid reason for not giving the Japanese (the real deal) a chance to grow on you. That being said, there are things that I do like/prefer in English. Golden Boy and Shinesman come to mind. I also like to watch anime that was bad to begin with in English. It makes it all the more enjoyable.
Never to lazy to read. :)
One thing I strongly prefer subtitled is Samurai Champloo. I love that short series and then Adult Swim got a hold of it, dubbed it and these new “fans” were born. I tried watching it dubbed but just couldn’t take it. I also at one point uploaded the series and had one person thank me and the rest bitched that it was subtitled. Fucking kids!
It sucks, but the majority of people watch their anime dubbed. If it weren't for dubs, anime wouldn't air on TV, and a lot of people wouldn't watch it. Dubbing has done a lot to help make anime profitable and available.
But... it doesn't change the fact that some dub fans are proudly ignorant of what they're missing.
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