Here is something I was recently asked.
Q: If you are a fan of MACs then why don’t you even own one?
A: First of all I am a bit of a gamer and MACs arent good for gaming. Second of all MACs do not have a lot of hardware they can work with. You have to get specific hardware where with my PCs I can buy practically anything I want and they will work. With that said building a MAC at home can be done but its not very easy. Where as I can go to NewEgg and buy everything I need for building a machine. Then the main factor is that they are god damn expensive.
Windows is not a bad OS though I really am not a fan of VISTA but all these “I get viruses and crashes and when I use XP the world dies because it sucks” bitches in the end don’t know how to run a damn thing. I rarely have an issue with XP because god forbid I know how to manage it. And you know why Windows has more viruses? Its not because MAC is harder to hack its because more people have used Windows and the ones who write viruses and such are interested in hurting others. Now with more MACs being purchased guess what else has gone up? That’s right, viruses for MACs. Its a god damn vicious cycle.
In the end I don’t hate MACs. I have used them and quite enjoy them. In fact my XP is custom designed to look, feel and act like the MAC OS but still allows me to do all the gaming I want to do as well as all my music and video work. Now if I had the extra money I would so buy a MAC and dedicate it to video work so that I could run that beautiful Final Cut Pro but for now, I am happy.
If you like MACs and hate Windows, that’s fine. And if you hate MACs and love Windows then that’s fine too. In the end, YOU FUCKERS NEED TO GET THE FUCK ALONG BECAUSE IM SICK OF BOTH SIDES OF THIS SHIT!
On a side note yet on topic I have been thinking about doing an add campaign where you see a MAC user and Windows user getting along and being friends. Fuck! I might just make them lovers. The world would be fuckin’ shocked while Steve Jobs would be amused. At least Im pretty sure he would be amused. Bill Gates on the other hand would be fuckin’ pissed.
And ohh yeah, I wanna edit the video for this on both a MAC and a PC. Like the first half edited on a MAC and then the last half on a PC. Then mix them together so that when their powers combine they are Captain Planet!
Sorry, got a little off there.
And now for something completely different:

The Mac versus PC thing really is a bunch of stupid bullshit. It's like Sega vs. Nintendo, Star Wars vs. Star Trek, or Pepsi vs. Coke. Neither is really any better than the other, it's just a matter of preference. Pick what you like, and have some god damned respect for the other guy's machine.
I'm going to be starting a line of credit soon for the sole purpose of (hopefully) getting a Mac, Final Cut, and an HD video camera, because FCP really is top notch when it comes to video editing, and I think it's worth financing a system purely for editing.
I hope you can get all that man. The camera I use is a standard MiniDV camcorder I got for $200 but shoots in 16:9 widescreen. The mic suck and as its a simple camcorder it has no plugin for another mic. But in the end it does what I need it to. Combined with a lens hood and lens filters it shoots really well. And if I run the video through Magic Bullet I get some great looking video. Hell even on its own it shoots pretty good looking video.
The fucking sound is still a killer. If I did something serious and needed good sound I thought I'd record the sound on a recorder with a good mic connected then in Premiere combine everything.
Also, what the fuck is up with these fucking home editors reviewing camcorders and being pissed that it doesnt come with a USB plug and only uses firewire? For some reason they fucking hate firewire and that they have to go buy a cable for it now. Stupid fucking people and their stupid fucking home video's.
I don't know man, Firewire just seems like the way to go with video devices. But for everything else, I just stick to USB. Firewire doesn't seem like a very standard port on PCs. Sure, most good PCs will have a Firewire port, but the garden variety PCs that all the knuckle-heads out there buy generally don't have it. Hence the whining.
well said, and you're right, but you knew that
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