Tuesday, July 17, 2007

World Wide Web Crash!

"I feel like Ctrl/Alt/Deleting myself."

Monday, July 16, 2007

The Junk of Life

I’ve been working on voice tests for the puppets and while working I found I really hated every voice for the boy puppet. The more I worked the more I decided maybe the video blog would be with the old puppet. Basicly making him into an old dirty man with a foul mouth who has no real understanding of the world around him. If anyone is interested here is the voice test for the old man I decided was the one I wanted to go for.


The old guy puppet also has gone through some changes from the picture as I said I would do. His black jacket is removed along with the red tie. His shirt is buttoned down exposing his chest and his pants are pulled up so high his balls have no breathing room. All I have left to do is carefully bleach his salt and pepper grey hair white and cut some of the hair and glue it to his chest. I also might add some suspenders to help hold up his slacks. A new script is being worked on and few other items such as the old mans name. I have also decided to call the show “Hand Up My Ass”.

So there you have it.

Recently I was asked, “What do you think is better, Harry Potter or The Lord of The Rings??”

Well first of all that’s a fucking retarded comparison. I really don’t think I have to say more about that and how stupid that is.

Second of all LoTR is better because the author of Harry Potter practically ripped off of Neil Gaiman’s “The Books of Magic”. TBoM was published well before the first Harry Potter book was and well, its just better. I never even heard of Harry Potter till one day someone was telling me about it and I was like this sounds fucking familiar and it hit me. She showed me a picture of Mr. Potter and instantly the cry of “fucking rip off” could be heard from my lips. Not only is the story similar but the they both look exactly alike.

Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t really hate Harry Potter. The movies so far haven’t been that bad. Though Im still glad I have never paid to watch a single one. [Bless you internet] But in the end all you Potter fucks need to learn its not original and its not that creative. It is entertaining, at least for a moment.

And one more thing, fuck David lynch!

I’ve been meaning to get that one of my chest for some time. Why do people think Lynch is like the “bee’s knee’s” of film making? And don’t you dare fucking tell me about Dune. Just because you do one or two movies that were good doesn’t mean you’re the shit. Remember Eraserhead? Or how about Blue Velvet? Shall I go on?

Fuck David Lynch!

And now for something completely different:

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Get a life; Or a Hobby

I was recently asked “Why is it every time I call, you always seem busy or actually are busy? And why are you never bored? I call and say Im bored and your just like “uh hu.””

So I wrote up a basic answer. That answer has to do with my hobbies and they take up pretty much all of my time.

-Music Production [Singing, playing instruments, writing, arranging, programming. Basically everything.]
-Video Production [Filming, editing and basically everything as well.]
-Sculpting [clay]
-Juggling [Devil Sticks, Balls & Contact]
-Fire Eating
-Metal Detecting
-Photoshop Work
-Watching Movies [Does that count?]
-Fighting [Boxing & Chinese Boxing]
-Cooking [Mostly Asian dishes from Korea and Japan. Also a little Mexican]
-Ghost Hunting
-Studying [Yes I like to spend a lot of time reading and researching information. So what?!]

I think that about covers it.

And now for something completely different:

Sunday, July 8, 2007

I Love You Both

Here is something I was recently asked.

Q: If you are a fan of MACs then why don’t you even own one?

A: First of all I am a bit of a gamer and MACs arent good for gaming. Second of all MACs do not have a lot of hardware they can work with. You have to get specific hardware where with my PCs I can buy practically anything I want and they will work. With that said building a MAC at home can be done but its not very easy. Where as I can go to NewEgg and buy everything I need for building a machine. Then the main factor is that they are god damn expensive.

Windows is not a bad OS though I really am not a fan of VISTA but all these “I get viruses and crashes and when I use XP the world dies because it sucks” bitches in the end don’t know how to run a damn thing. I rarely have an issue with XP because god forbid I know how to manage it. And you know why Windows has more viruses? Its not because MAC is harder to hack its because more people have used Windows and the ones who write viruses and such are interested in hurting others. Now with more MACs being purchased guess what else has gone up? That’s right, viruses for MACs. Its a god damn vicious cycle.

In the end I don’t hate MACs. I have used them and quite enjoy them. In fact my XP is custom designed to look, feel and act like the MAC OS but still allows me to do all the gaming I want to do as well as all my music and video work. Now if I had the extra money I would so buy a MAC and dedicate it to video work so that I could run that beautiful Final Cut Pro but for now, I am happy.

If you like MACs and hate Windows, that’s fine. And if you hate MACs and love Windows then that’s fine too. In the end, YOU FUCKERS NEED TO GET THE FUCK ALONG BECAUSE IM SICK OF BOTH SIDES OF THIS SHIT!

On a side note yet on topic I have been thinking about doing an add campaign where you see a MAC user and Windows user getting along and being friends. Fuck! I might just make them lovers. The world would be fuckin’ shocked while Steve Jobs would be amused. At least Im pretty sure he would be amused. Bill Gates on the other hand would be fuckin’ pissed.

And ohh yeah, I wanna edit the video for this on both a MAC and a PC. Like the first half edited on a MAC and then the last half on a PC. Then mix them together so that when their powers combine they are Captain Planet!

Sorry, got a little off there.

And now for something completely different:

Friday, July 6, 2007

Hand Up My Ass

Aside from my Soylent Sin music project I have recently started working on again after not doing a thing with any music for just over a year I am about to start another project.

This new project isn’t about music as much as I am doing a show. I will open another YouTube page for this one once I get the first episode completed. The basic idea is that it will be a fake video blog but I will be doing it with two puppets. One will be a young teenage puppet and the other will be and old man puppet. The teenager lives with his grandfather and both are foul mouthed and very much not ment for children. Basically each episode as it were will feature the teen and his rantings and bitching about life, his grandfather and movies. See this teen has a passion for movies, mainly the cheap ones like “Jesus Christ Vampire Hunters”. So with a mix of a pseudo life with an added bones of movie reviews it should be an interesting project.

I still haven’t come up with a title for it and am still working on the first script along with practicing with the puppets but I’ve worked with them before and its always been pretty natural for me to do. What makes this easier is that I will not be seen so I can move my lips all I fuckin want. I also still need to modify my puppets. I purchased them and they were standard puppets. I have posted the pictures of them below. And yes, that old guy is a George W. puppet but I will be changing his clothing and some of his looks. I cant make puppets but I sure as hell can change them.

When I get something done I will be posting a link but Im not expecting to have anything done until the end of this month.

And now for something completely different:

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Piracy & These Fucking Kids

Now in this entry I think the only person who can relate let alone understand any of this will be Aaron but I had to say something.

Here’s a few things that have been annoying the piss out of me in the piracy scene in both torrents and HTTP. A few here are more of a personal nature but whatever.

1: Little fucks who think they can rip a DVD with one little piece of software so they only have to make one click. Then we end up with rips that are all off in size and look like shit. 659MB for a movie is not a DVD rip. Its you not knowing what the fuck your doing. All you need to do is rip the VOB file and encode with Auto Gordian Knot and tell it the size you want the final product to be. And if the movie is 2 hours long or more don’t fucking compress it to 700MB or smaller. 700MB may be the standard movie size but longer movies will look like shit when compressed too much. That’s why we do CD1 and CD2 you fucking kids!

2: Stop ripping games. Make a fucking ISO BIN/CUE or whatever other image you want but stop ripping the fucking videos and music from the games. Just because assholes complain about download times because they are on slow speeds doesn’t mean you should make the game smaller. But you know what? Fine, do it, whatever but fucking post that’s it’s a rip and what you took out. Don’t say it’s the full game when its not! But you don’t know what was taken out. Your just posting links but don’t know shit about it? Thanks for nothing!

3: Don’t download a music album that’s 128kbps and then code it for 320kbps. I have good speakers and I can hear past the bullshit! Taking a small kbps value and increasing it does not make the sound quality better. It needs to be coded from the original source.

4: VNV NATION IS NOT FUCKING INDUSTRIAL MUSIC SO STOP FUCKING THANKING ME FOR AN “INDUSTRIAL” ALBUM. It’s called futurepop but I will also accept synthpop. Hell ill accept simply pop as I try not to be overly into the “this is that style” nit picking bullshit but I will not accept anyone calling it industrial. And stop calling KMFDM industrial too!

5: Stop asking what do you do with an ISO, RAR or most any other types of files you are unfamiliar with. I’m sick of being asked about these all the damn time. Use fucking Google!

6: The PS2 emulator isn’t working on your machine? Your running on an HP with 2 gigs of RAM? OF COURSE ITS NOT RUNNING ON YOUR MACHINE!! DON’T YOU KNOW HOW MUCH FUCKINF POWER IT TAKES TO RUN ON A PC?!?! Read the damn site but those specs they posted, yeah are fucking off. And even if you had the Ram and CPU power doesn’t mean it will run. That built in graphics card on your motherboard wasn’t ment for real 3D rendering. And no, you cannot come to my house and play on my machines. They are for serious work. As Dib once said on Invader Zim “This is no game. This is my life!”

7: Links die. Torrents die. In this world it’s a “get it while you can” way of life. Get the fuck over it!

8: No I will not upload all of my collected emulation packs. Do you realize that a collection of mine with nearly every console, games and arcade machines emulated is nearly a terabyte in size and growing?! No way in hell am I uploading that much shit.

I gots more but fuck it, Im feeling better now after typing this shit.

And now for something completely different:

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

MySpace: Another Blessing

Yesterday afternoon I was deleted from MySpace due to copyright infraction of MY OWN FUCKING ARTWORK!

I was sent a message stating that one of the images on my page was copyright protected and was removed. I checked my page and nothing was removed. I designed all the graphics on my page and I even wrote the code for my layout. Nothing was stolen so who reported me for this and why dint they take the time to look into it?

Well they said I could fill out a form to dispute the claim and so I tried but as usual they dint have a damn piece of script working. So I emailed them and I wrote in a pleasant manor. Very business like and nicely worded asking why I got this message and how could I solve the issue as all the graphics were of my own work so I’m sure I have my own permission to use them. Though, looking back I cant be 100% sure about that as just the other day I was arguing with myself about another graphic I was using for another project. I told myself that I dint have permission to use it and that I was going to contact my lawyer to sue myself. For some reason when I called him he told me I was an asshole and hung up on me.

Note to self: find new lawyer to sue self.

Anyways, in an hour I received an email back stating that I had been warned multiple times and was now spamming them and for that my account was deleted. It’s funny how I only got one warning that really wasn’t a warning as it was my own art, I just needed to prove it to them. I mean correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t multiple mean more then one? At least two?

It’s not much of a big loss really as in the end I really don’t care. I got tired of messages about “pass this on for this cancer patient” and so on. Guess what folks, if you Google the name of the person in the letter, you will 99% of the time find that the person isn’t real and that it’s been an internet chain letter for years. Besides, what the fuck does passing on a letter do to help that cancer patient? I wish it were that simple to cure cancer by passing on a letter. I would be passing letters all damn day.

And maybe it wouldn’t just work on cancer, Maybe we can cure all sorts of things. Michael J. Fox, don’t worry, a cure is on the way! I’ve found the answer!

Science out! Passing annoying fucking letters around on the internet….IN!!!

Please though, let us have a moment of silence to remember those who have passed before the knowledge of this internet letter cure.

Christopher Reeve, I’m sorry I discovered this too late. Lord knows you would have been the first on my list to save by the passing of a letter around the net.


And now for something completely different:

Monday, July 2, 2007

Lord Knows I Tried

I’ve tried. I really have. I’ve tried to not say anything anymore and be nice. If people want to be wrong about stuff then whatever but I cant help it. If you say something I know is wrong I’ll give you the correct answer or at least what I know about it and we can discuss it. Maybe you know something more then I know and I’m wrong and if I am let me know. I love to learn. Why do you think I know what I know? I read all the damn time and am always asking questions and then taking the time to learn about the answer. Here’s an example of a recent event:

Person: I’m cutting all oils from my diet.

Me: Why?

Person: Because it’s unhealthy.

Me: It’s more like what oils you take in as well as how much you take in. Even the bad oils are needed. They are just bad since we tend to intake more then we should of them.

Person: Well all I really use anymore is olive oil and Im going to stop that. Its just bad for you.

Me: No its not. Where did you get that information from?

Person: Oil is just bad for your health in general.

Me: Again its what oils you use. Olive oil has shown to help reduce the risk of heart disease along with other benefits. I’m not saying to drink it but putting a little in a pan before cooking some chicken and veggies wouldnt be a bad thing. And if you don’t want to take it internally you can use olive oil as moisturizer for your skin.

Person: Always have to be the smart ass; don’t you?!

Me: No, I was just giving you the information I know. If you don’t believe me go look it up for yourself.

Person: You don’t know everything despite what you may think.

Me: [Pulls out cell phone.]

Person: What are you doing?

Me: Calling the University of Baltimore or Johns Hopkins or are they the same? Fuck it! I don’t know but I do know they seem to always be in reports of studies for new breakthroughs in health science. Im sure someone there will be able to tell you that olive oil isn’t as bad as you make it out to be. I mean if you don’t want to listen to me at least listen to a Ph.D.

Person: Don’t you mean a doctor?

Me: .......sure.......

And now for something completely different: