This week, like every week I watched a lot of movie. In fact, the week isn’t even over with but whatever.
So as anyone who knows me knows that I watch a lot of movies. On average of three a day or I’ll spend time watching a series. Never the less, I watch a lot of shit.
Halloween [2007]
I got a hold of this movie last weekend but had to force myself to watch it. Mostly because well, do we really need another fucking "Halloween" movie? I mean come on, Michael Myers is a great killer and we all love him but the movies have been done to fucking death. And Rob Zombie worked on it for Christ sake. To be honest, I haven’t been a fan of any of his movies. I liked his music from the White Zombie days but that’s it.
So as you can see I had no desire to really watch this but as a fan of the cult series I had to watch it and in the end, I was pleasantly surprised. Put aside all the boob shots and sexual references its not a bad movie.
Yes, there are a lot of boobs in this movie. Now I don’t hate boobs but I dint come to watch a porno. I came to see fuckers die. And Rob has a real fetish for boobs and sexual innuendos so there are a lot in this movie. Luckily there is much more killing so three cheers for that.
As for the story, I really thought it would get fucked up as its retelling the making of Myers and remakes and retellings are always pieces of shit but this one, not so bad. If you’re a cult fanatic you may not like it. Or you just might. All I can say is its worth watching but don’t spend a lot of money on it.
The Zombie Diaries
I love good zombie movies and I’ve always said a great zombie movie is one where there is no high end production but where you see the story from the eyes of those living it. This movie is from the UK and I don’t know about a release in the US so its up to you to search.
Now like every zombie movie this deals with a virus and people dying and coming to life and killing others and even eating them. Nothing new there. Unlike other movies though this time you get to see it through the eyes of those living it. Basically the easiest way to describe this is "The Blair Witch Project" but with zombies.
I personally I loved this movie. Its not high quality but its good. Imagine you have your camcorder and shit happens and now your running from zombies and trying to survive and you video tape the struggle. It’s a nice feeling in a movie that I find truly enjoyable. And this is no George Romero flick.
Now George Romero is working on another zombie movie [dint see that one coming] and his movie too will have the same style. At least that’s the information given to me so hopefully that one will be good as well because honestly, I fucking hated “Land of the Dead”. So look for his next zombie movie “Diary of the Dead” and then later “Day of The Dead" but for now "The Zombie Diaries" can hold you over.
Well that’s about it for this review. That’s just two movies out of about 11 I’ve seen so far this week but they aren’t really worth mentioning. And besides, you dont care.
And now for something completely different: